4. fundur 10. apríl 2024 kl. 15:00 - 16:00 á skrifstofu Rangárþings eystra
  • Georgina Anne Christie
  • Jana Flieglova
  • Marlena Nogal
  • Ioan Sabadas
Fundargerð ritaði: Helga Guðrún Lárusdóttir starfsmaður

1.Bara tala - app for icelandic lessions


Introduction to the app ,,Bara tala" that is a is a digital Icelandic teacher based on artificial intelligence and Icelandic language technology.
The Multi-Cultural counsel suggests to Byggðarráð that Rangárþing eystra becomes a partner with Bara tala, and offers their employees Icelandic lessons through the app.

2.Other issues


Various other issues discussed.

Fundi slitið - kl. 16:00.